Tuesday, September 19, 2006


So Saturday night we decided to have a barbeque, a.k.a an asado, here. I was pretty sure we were going to give 'er, Chilean style, when we sent Claudia's roomate to pick up the supplies for the party and he came back rolling a shopping cart piled high with charcoal, meat and beer down the street.

Even though it was by no means a balmy summer evening, we spent the whole evening and into the wee hours in the yard out back, eating huge chunks of meat off the grill, drinking Chilean beer and red wine. Someone pointed the stereo speakers out into the yard and put in a mix tape of cuecas, so of course at one point the party erupted into drunken cueca dancing.

And the next morning we emerged out of our sleepy red wine haze just in time to go over to Claudia's parents' place for another huge meal and some running around with her niece and nephew.

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