Wednesday, February 14, 2007

The road to Patagonia

After a couple of months in Buenos Aires I'd forgotten that the rest of Argentina is completely different than the capital. ( Sort of like the way that people in Bs As forget the rest of the country exists...)

The 18 hour bus ride from Buenos Aires to Puerto Madryn was my re-introduction to the vast, wide-open spaces that you find in so much of this country. The feeling of space.

I had been expecting Patagonia to be a little less, dry. A little more green. Maybe once you get farther south. But the area between Mar del Plata and Puerto Madryn ( these places aren't on my little map here, but Puerto Madryb is near Rawson) is dusty and dry. The vegetation is short and scrubby. The sky blue, blue, blue and the highway long and winding.

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